English Language Arts
Mrs. Amanda
970-426-5452 (call/text)
About Me
I joined the K12 Team in 2015 and have been with PPOS since it first opened its doors. Since 2011, I have taught both middle school and high school English.
I earned both my Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Education from Western State Colorado University in Gunnison, CO where I still live.
In my life outside of school, I enjoy reading fantasy fiction, fangirl over Shakespeare, love listening to music, and with her husband, Daren, enjoy raising two daughters as they dance and play ice-hockey.
Classes I Teach
1st Semester
ENG403A: British & World Literature
ENG406A & ENG406B (Credit Recovery)
1960s Through Film
2nd Semester
ENG403B: British & World Literature
ENG406A & ENG406B (Credit Recovery)
WWII Through Film
Clubs I Sponsor
Study Club
Mrs. Nikia
719-963-2023 (call/text)
About Me
I have a Master's degree in English and have been teaching English since 2015. This is my fifth year at PPOS.
I have been married for 17 years to Trenton and we have three kids together- Jasmine (16), Daemon (13), and Emberly (4) as well as a Blue Lacy dog (Rune) and a betta fish (Fabio).
I am from Nebraska originally, but we have lived in Colorado for about six years now.
I love almost all things outdoors (except sun) and my hobbies include archery, off-roading, fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, writing, reading, and gaming.
Classes I Teach
1st Semester
American Literature A
Gothic Literature
2nd Semester
American Literature B
English for the Business World
Clubs I Sponsor
GSA (Rainbow Club)
Year-round Gifted & Talented liaison/coordinator for PPOS
Link to Class Page
Mrs. Robin
720-335-5576 (call/text)
About Me
I am from Minnesota, where I received my Masters Degree in Education.
This is my third year with PPOS. I live in Broomfield with my husband, 4 daughters, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and oodles of fish.
I enjoy reading, camping, boating and skiing.
Most of my time is spent watching my kids compete in hockey, soccer, cross country and gymnastics.
Classes I Teach
English 9
Creative Writing
ELA Intervention
Clubs I Sponsor
Study Club
Ms. Rachel
720-924-1597 (call/text)
About Me
This is my 5th year at PPOS.
I am a Colorado native and live in Aurora.
I enjoy reading, cooking, crafting, and traveling.
Classes I Teach
History of Pop Culture
English 10
Clubs I Sponsor
Study Club