Letter from the Principal

Hello and welcome amazing PPOS students, learning coaches, and families!

It is great to have you all with us here, and I hope that together we can make this one of the best years of your educational career. At PPOS, we truly believe in working with our students and learning coaches to achieve student success through relationships, accountability, and individualized learning.

Please know that we have many dedicated and professional people lined up and ready to help you and to make sure that every student is seen, heard, and supported in their education. Each and every student at PPOS has their champion teacher, advisor, content teachers, counselor, social worker, and administrator all ready to assist in whatever you need. Don’t wait to ask for help. We are here for you and we want to assist you however we can.

Together, we can make this an amazing year. Make today, and every day, awesome.

Greg Terry
PPOS Principal