A 504 plan is a supporting plan that assists students who have disabilities (physical and mental), learning challenges, and impairments that impact their learning (such as thinking, concentrating, focusing) and/or restrict major life activities (such as learning, reading, sleeping, hearing, communicating). This plan provides accommodations and services that support equal access to education.

Students who might need a 504 plan can include those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), epilepsy, diabetes, chronic health conditions, such as asthma or allergies, mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression.

Some common examples of 504 accommodations and services are extensions on state and district test, access to visual and auditory devices, adjusted ways to present mastery of standards, and additional notes.

The plan can be modified or changed at any time to fit the ongoing needs of the student. Additionally, after the student graduates from high school the 504 plan can be used in post-secondary such as a college/university or in the workforce.

If you are interested in placing your student on a 504 plan please contact Ms. Robinson at rrobinson@pikespeakonlineschool.org or 720-924-1597 to schedule an initial meeting.